Château de Terrides,
Une véritable histoire patrimoniale

This castle was from 1320 the political and military center of the Viscounty of Terrides. Descended from a younger branch of the Counts of Toulouse, the Terrides first appeared in 993.
Viscount Gaulthier, under the orders of Richard Coeur de Lion, participates in the first crusade where he obtains the right to the coat of arms. During the Cathar troubles alongside the Count of Toulouse, they were dispossessed of their property after the defeat of the Cathar party in 1244. They became mercenaries or brigand knights to survive. The Vicomté passes shortly after to the Grand Master of Crossbowmen of France Jean Galard.
When the 100 years war broke out, Galard went over to the English and was replaced by Marshal Boucicault. The English besiege the castle and occupy it. At this time, the Black Prince camped with his troops in Montauban. Boucicault resells his rights to the occupied Vicomté. The buyer is called Bertrand de Terrides, and with his brother the Batard, he begins a personal war that will last 20 years. At the end of the fighting, the Terrides govern a region as large as two departments.
During the Renaissance, their descendant, Antoine de Lomagne, Lord of Terrides, distinguished himself in Italy with the Chevalier Bayard. He was appointed Governor of Piedmont and, in Pigneron, he had the fortress built which would serve as a prison for the Iron Mask. Grateful for all his services, King François I went to Terrides on September 20, 1540 and donated new territories to him. The wars of religion find four brothers at the Château. The last, Géraud, converted to Protestantism and drove out his brothers who remained Catholic.
Avec ses troupes, il prend par ruse l’abbaye de Belleperche et la dévaste sauvagement . Le Roi décide d’intervenir en 1572, après des semaines de siège, le Château est pris par l’Amiral Savoie-Villars.La famille de Terrides s’étant éteinte, le Château passe aux Lévis- Mirepois. A la suite d’un mariage, en 1639, Terrides revient à Maxilien de Béthume mieux connu sous le nom de Sully.
During the revolutionary period, the Château belonged to the Comte de Lanjuinais, an ardent revolutionary, founder of the Jacobins club and president of the National Convention. Under the Empire, the estate passed into the hands of Marshal de Lauriston, aide-de-camp to Napoleon I. Subsequently, the Château will be the property of a Toulouse family, the Magres, one of whose members, Jane, an explorer and adventurer, will discover the friezes of Darius in Persia. Finally, it was in 1987 that the Domaine du Château de Terrides was converted into a unique tourist complex in Midi-Pyrénées.

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